Monday, October 22, 2012

Felt Mask

     First, find a paper mask you like. There are lots of options available online. 
     Next, get some felt, black organdy (see-through) ribbon, sharpie, scissors, and a glue gun, then follow the pictures below.

      Well, this picture looks a little strange. Glue the organdy ribbon over each eye hole. Add layers until you get a good level of opacity. I used three layers.
     Glue the other layer of felt on top of this.

     Attach elastic or ribbon. I chose to attach some white ribbon using hot glue.

     You can glue some felt on top of this to strengthen it and make it more comfortable on your face.

     Use a sharpie or some fabric paint to draw in the details and complete the look.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Piano Guys

It occurred to me the other day that I haven't shared any of these songs on here! I found these guys about a year ago on youtube while looking for some good cello music - found it! So many of their arrangements are just beautiful. This is the instrumental version of One Republic. It's one of my favorites of theirs.

To find more videos on their youtube page, go to:


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cheesy Ramen

     Here's a way to change up this classic budget meal staple. My nieces like this better than regular grilled cheese!
     When you open the bag of Ramen noodles, look at the way they are folded - yes, folded. They are folded in half. Break them apart on the fold. If you do this carefully, but firmly, you should end up with half in one hand and half in the other.

     Put some slices of cheese on top and run them through the toaster oven. If you don't have a toaster over, you can use the microwave or put them in the oven on 350 degrees F until the cheese is melted.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Peach Ice Cream

Peach Ice Cream

Makes 1 gallon

You'll need:
- Ice cream maker
- However much ice and rock salt your ice cream maker requires for making a gallon (4 quarts) of ice cream.

- 2 cans of peaches (packed in fruit juice), drained and chopped
- 1 1/2c. Xylitol* (you may substitute with 1 1/2c. of sugar)
- 1 Tbsp. Lemon juice

- 13.5 oz. Coconut milk, unsweetened (you may substitute with 2% milk for even lower sucrose content)
- 12 oz. Evaporated milk (unsweetened)
- 2c. Whipping cream
- 2c. 2% Milk
- 1 tsp. Vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp. Almond extract
- 1/4 tsp. Table salt

Stir chopped peaches, xylitol, and lemon juice in one bowl then set aside. Stir remaining ingredients in another bowl. Combine all ingredients into one bowl, stir until everything is mixed together thoroughly.

Pour into ice cream maker and follow the maker's instructions for 1 gallon (4 quarts) of ice cream.

This stuff is so delicious! You'll feel noticeably happier after the first bite :-)

*Xylitol is harmful to dogs

tags: low sucrose ice cream, sucrose intolerant recipe, sugar allergy recipe


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wash Rag Clothesline

Wash Rag Clothesline

If a lot of people share the same bathroom,
you use a clean wash rag everyday, 
or just for decoration!

You could even embroider initials or your
last name on them.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Which glass did I have...?


which glass did I have?

Oh yeah!

I know this is pathetic, but come dinner time, I've plum forgotten which glass I got out for the day. Even if I can remember that today I got out the flowery one, I then have to remember if it's the flowery one on the table or the flowery one by the microwave. Here's a little trick. Assign everyone in your house a different colored rubber band - or at least everyone who has trouble remembering which glass is theirs. Every day, when they get out a clean glass, they can put their rubber band around it so they, and everyone else, know it's if I can just remember to use my rubber band ;-P


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Old Door, Functional Photo Display

Old door, functional photo display. Using an old door to display photos attached with miniature clothespins.
