Friday, August 24, 2012

The Piano Guys

It occurred to me the other day that I haven't shared any of these songs on here! I found these guys about a year ago on youtube while looking for some good cello music - found it! So many of their arrangements are just beautiful. This is the instrumental version of One Republic. It's one of my favorites of theirs.

To find more videos on their youtube page, go to:


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cheesy Ramen

     Here's a way to change up this classic budget meal staple. My nieces like this better than regular grilled cheese!
     When you open the bag of Ramen noodles, look at the way they are folded - yes, folded. They are folded in half. Break them apart on the fold. If you do this carefully, but firmly, you should end up with half in one hand and half in the other.

     Put some slices of cheese on top and run them through the toaster oven. If you don't have a toaster over, you can use the microwave or put them in the oven on 350 degrees F until the cheese is melted.
